We didnt expect to be in this situation a week ago. Now we need help. Heres whats up:
First off, you should probably see the site thats causing the trouble.
What youll see in that site
That site is a hands-on prototype we created for a contact in the Pentagon.
On that site youll be able to create 1000 unique, highly personalized Navy Recruiting sites — in 4 seconds.
The Pentagons interest? They now do $2 Billion in Recruitment Marketing — variable data printing, email, and web ads. Highly targeted campaigns that all point to the same generic website (like navy.com).
The conversion rate for their expensive marketing is below 2%. Theyre now seeing a way to improve conversion through Abstract5 “PDEs” (Personal Digital Experience”).
Showing not telling
We were moving into a new phase with Abstract5 — From radical new technology to commercial product. A5 is a unique technology — a web server utility that provides a push-button environment to provide non-technical users control over functionality that has previously only been available to developers writing page after page of code.
At first we described in excruciating detail the thousands of things non-technical users could now do that only highly trained developers could do. But the response was tepid — the descriptions were too long, too technical, and hard to synthesize.
The feedback we got was to show the system in action doing actual work and solving business problems.
We set our minds to this, and decided to show eight different commercial uses of A5 that no other system can do.
The FLOW / PDE solution
Variable data marketing and ads based social media profiles drive about $400 Billion in marketing. We saw PDEs as a terrific alternative to the generic websites this marketing typically point to, which have an average 2% conversion.
So we started by targeting this problem with FLOWs. Because no one else can do what we are doing with FLOW technology — generating Data Driven websites from data files — generating thousands of fully customized, fully personalized websites — thousands of pages a second — at least not without a ton of expensive custom development — nor without intruding on the patents we have applied for. (With Abstract5, the Navy Recruiting Flow was created in about 4 hours, and required no more technical skill than it takes to create a PowerPoint.)
Our first attempt was a FLOW of PDEs for Warren Wilson college recruiting. Someone who saw that had a contact at the Pentagon and suggested that we target military recruiting.
So thats how the Navy Recruiting proof-of-concept site was created. Until you see a 1000 sites being built in a couple of seconds, its hard to understand the potential — or even believe that it can be done.
Our new problem is that theyre moving faster than we expected. Whats more, this site is being shared, and now others are approaching us.
Our plan was to create 7 additional proof-of-concepts for commercial uses, but this first trial has begun to be shared, and thats our problem. We thought wed take the time while doing the proofs to develop the business infrastructure to support a launch.
Which is why Im writing. This interest is spinning up faster than we expected. We need to go from zero to 60, like yesterday.